Working really well as it is but this app could even be greater for photographers wanting to keep pictures organised in different folders. The problem now is, when a folder is opened, one can only see very small pictures with a lot of lost space occupied by the name of the files. Would be very nice, once a folder is opened, to be able to browse through the pictures with an equivalent of 4-6 or 8 bigger pictures by page. Would allow easier searching of specific pictures in a big folder of similar pictures. Would give 5 stars for such a feature. The app would then be very complete. Maybe a future update.
Update 09/05/2010:
Didnt notice at first that there is a "see all" option that allows to see picture thumbnails once a folder is open. Then have about 30 pictures/page wich is not that bad. Having an option allowing 16 or 8 pictures/page would be very nice. Just noticed too, that in full page mode, borders of pictures are cropped, sometimes from something significant. This would have to be changed in a future version to be like Apple photo album (no cropping). Still 4 stars.
Update 18/06/2010:
Really like when app conceptors listen to their users and that is what Romain do. With the new additions this app answer all of my needs and that is why I upgrade temporarily to 5 stars. The only bugs remaining for me is the really BLURRY thumbnails when you are in the 3 pictures/line viewing mode and the non desired zoom mode on some pictures that results in some crop in full size view. Hope these 2 will be improved so this app will be "heaven on earth" for photographers.
zorrogrande about Photo-Sort